Meditation and Self-Study

MEDITATION AND SELF-STUDY Atmanam atmana pasya Meditation and self-study are of immeasurable importance to every single person. They concern the longest journey of the soul, the divine discontent in human life. The quest for true meditation and the yearning for real self-knowledge are as old as thinking man. Today, more than ever before in recorded history, […]

Meditation, Concentration, and Will

MEDITATION, CONCENTRATION, WILL THESE three, meditation, concentration, will, have engaged the attention of Theosophists perhaps more than any other three subjects. A canvass of opinions would probably show that the majority of our reading and thinking members would rather hear these subjects discussed and read definite directions about them than any others in the entire […]

Pythagoras: The Heroic Ideal & Self-Reform

PYTHAGORAS: THE HEROIC IDEAL & SELF-REFORM For our subject to be fruitful we might have to overcome a peculiarly limiting roadblock in the modern mind. That roadblock is our naïve belief that what is modern is necessarily more enlightening and useful to us than anything the ancient world might have to offer. If this deeply-rooted, […]

The Perfection of Wisdom

THE PERFECTION OF WISDOM Even today, I meet Buddhists in Japan, for example, who tell me that Buddhahood can be attained through non-conceptual meditation, but there seems little room for wisdom.  I feel it is important to know that it is the perfection of wisdom, rather than the perfection of meditation, that is stressed as […]

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