Karma and Forgiveness
KARMA AND FORGIVENESS In respect to man, karma has no existence without two or more persons being considered. You act,
He who teaches Theosophy preaches the gospel of good-will; and the converse of this is true also, – he who preaches the gospel of good-will, teaches Theosophy.
H.P. BLAVATSKY, Five Messages
KARMA AND FORGIVENESS In respect to man, karma has no existence without two or more persons being considered. You act,
PRACTICAL THEOSOPHY: UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD IN THOUGHT AND DEED The ethics of life propounded by Jesus are not different from those
FOUR GOLDEN LINK ENQUIRER. How, then, should Theosophical principles be applied so that social co-operation may be promoted and true
Before beginning, and without an end, As space eternal and as surety sure, Is fixed a Power divine which moves
INTERDEPENDENCE As mankind is essentially of one and the same essence, and that essence is one—infinite, uncreate, and eternal, whether
MENTAL PURIFICATION Let a man guard himself against mental irritations, let him be well restrained in mind. Having relinquished mental
THOUGHTS AS LIVING MESSENGERS A thought, on its departure from the mind, . . . is attracted wherever there is
DUTY AND WISDOM He who seeks “the small old path” has many duties to perform. His duty to mankind, his
A GREAT LENS It is possible to focus that light of universal wisdom, continual contemplation and eternal ideation within a
PARAPOLITICS – BRINGING IMAGINATION INTO POLITICAL RELATIONS FROM WITHIN-WITHOUT Parapolitics is an imperfect means to a transcendental end, the repeated
EMOTIONAL DISARMAMENT Pico Iyer writes, “Whether in the context of climate change or the right to life—let alone the ethics
LET’S MEET THERE Out beyond ideas of right and wrong there is a field. I will meet you there. JALALUDDIN
GANDHI: PERFECTIBILITY AND MORAL LEARNING October 8, 2020 “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father which is in heaven
A TEST OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE As we push back the boundary and enlarge the area of our consciousness, our “self”