The Inmost Sanctuary

THE INMOST SANCTUARY For the neophyte, the initial step is to become a true pragmatist by putting to use the idealism which is within the soul and which is consubstantial with the plane of Mahatmic ideation in the cosmos. It will then become possible to bring into the unreal world of time, which ordinary human […]

The Aquarian Tide

THE AQUARIAN TIDE Let us prepare, and let us study Truth in all its aspects, trying not to ignore any of them, if we do not wish, when the hour will have struck, to fall into the abyss of the unknown. It is useless to rely on chance, and to await the approaching intellectual and […]

Aquarian Tonality

AQUARIAN TONALITY In 1888, H. P. Blavatsky wrote of the Sun’s upcoming position in the Zodiacal cycle: “When it enters, in a few years, the sign of Aquarius, psychologists will have some extra work to do, and the psychic idiosyncrasies of humanity will enter on a great change.” (“Esoteric Character of the Gospels,” Lucifer) H.P.B.’s […]

Drawing the Larger Circle

DRAWING THE LARGER CIRCLE “Great Sifter” is the name of the “Heart Doctrine”, O Disciple. The wheel of the Good Law moves swiftly on. It grinds by night and day. The worthless husks it drives from out the golden grain, the refuse from the flour. The hand of Karma guides the wheel; the revolutions mark […]

The Supreme Spirit

THE SUPREME SPIRIT It is the Atman, the Spirit, by whose power the ear hears, the eye sees, the tongue speaks, the mind understands, and life functions.  The wise man separates the Atman from these faculties, rises out of sense-life, and attains immortality. Kena Upanishad In the same Sub-Category Share on email Email

The Light Within

THE LIGHT WITHIN To find comfort for oneself from Atman means to look to the spirit within for spiritual comfort, not to outside objects which in their very nature must give pleasure as well as pain. M. K. GANDHI, The Gita According to Gandhi In the same Sub-Category Share on email Email

One Bound Upstream

ONE BOUND UPSTREAM He who is intent upon the ineffable and dwells with mind enraptured, who is no more bound by sensory pleasures, he is declared to be ‘One bound upstream’. BUDDHA, The Dhammapada In the same Sub-Category

Thy Star

THY STAR Fix thy Soul’s gaze upon the star whose ray thou art, the flaming star that shines within the lightless depths of ever-being, the boundless fields of the Unknown. Have perseverance as one who doth for evermore endure.  Thy shadows and live and vanish; that which in thee shall live for ever, that which […]

Raja Yoga

RAJA YOGA There is a vital connection between the Logos and logic, Divine Spirit and human reason, between light and learning. RAGHAVAN IYER, Hermes, September 1980 In the same Sub-Category Share on email Email


INSIGHT Without insight there is no meditation and without meditation there is no insight. GAUTAMA BUDDHA In the same Sub-Category Share on email Email

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